Saturday, September 25, 2010

pumpkin topiaries...

 So, I have seen this picture around blogland and I just love it!
I wanted to make my own pumpkin topiaries.
Our front "stoop" is similar to the picture already...

I started with these "funkins" from Michaels.
They are carvable, fake pumpkins.
Of course they were 50% off when I bought them!

I bought some acrylic metallic bronze paint also.
I painted these bad boys with a foam brush very quickly and a little messily too.
Real pumpkins aren't perfect, right?
My very sweet husband drilled holes in the bottoms of all three pumpkins
and through the tops of the bottom two.
He also cut off the stems of the bottom two.
Then he slid the pumpkins on a piece of rebar in topiary order.
We stuck them straight into the planters (from Walmart).
Then I wrapped a fall garland around them.

I LOVE how they turned out!

The best part of it all.
It was quick and easy.
And my pumpkins won't rot!!! :)

I'm linking up to the
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up           party!



Roxanne said...

Love it! So quick and so fall-ish!

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

What a great idea! How creative!

Lisa said...

What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing!!!

I {heart} Nap Time said...

so so cute! love this!

Katie @ This Chick Cooks said...

What a cute idea. I really like your topiaries!

My Serendipity said...

I have seen these also and have been wondering how to do this..thanks for the tutorial on how you did it! they are beautiful!

ClassyGal said...

Wow, they look amazing. I love the copper paint on the pumpkins!

The Leinwetters said...

This turned out great!!!! GOod job. :)

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Hollie these turned out great! I was in Michaels this evening but they only had large and med. smalls. I love how your's turned out! You are all set for fall and Halloween!

Brandy said...

Those look FABULOUS! I love them!

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

I have to make these to match my shimmery wreath!!! Love it!

Heather* said...

yea..I'm totally stealing thi

Jami said...

I have always wanted to try these too, but I was thinking of real pumpkins and never got any farther. The funkins are the perfect solution. I just love how it turned out!

I just started a Fall Linky Party every Thursday on my blog. Please stop by and link-up this great project!

Marla said...

I love it! And they won't rot.

Faith's Place said...

What a great craft!! I may have to do this! Nice job!

Anonymous said...

Those turned out great! I bought the same pumpkins. I am doing something really similar to them this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love them! I'm go to attempt it myself, but what exactly is in the planters/bottom to hold the pumpins up? That's the only part I'm not "seeing".....THANKS!

Embellished Bayou said...

Gorgeous! They look expensive & professional!

SarahJarnagin said...

This is gorgeous!!!

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

I have to tell you that you totally inspired my weekend project! If you get a chance hop over and check it out!

Michelle said...

I love it! I plan on making one to use as my fall address marker by adding my address to them (one number per pumpkin)

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me what color your front door is? Love it!!!

Aimee said...

I LOVED your pumpkin topiaries and featured them here. So clever!