Thursday, January 7, 2010

jump till you drop...

this was hilarious to Alan and I.
Rowan was bouncing away while we were
packing up to go to Alabama for New Years.
I noticed Rowan's eyes getting heavy and eventually he fell
asleep just like that.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh! Bless! I have so many photos of Kyndall just like this in her jumper! He's all tuckered out! :)

Chris, Lauren and Gage said...

sssssssssoooooooo sweet!!!! Thank yall for coming to see us last was GREAT!!! Can't wait to do it again sometime SOON!

blakley said...

oh my, so sweet! good to see so many adorable little new pics of him! he has the sweetest face I have ever seen. kiss them cheeks for me! ;)