Thursday, September 23, 2010

this is how I tumble...

I like to put "picture links" on mine. 
So I select the coolest picture of whatever I want to link...
I save it to my computer in "my pictures".

Then when you go to your tumblr dashboard, you click on picture.

You "browse" to find your photo. Select it.

Then you add your caption.

And then...don't skip's very important...

Click on "set a click-through link". 
That's where you copy and paste the URL of the article/idea/picture/quote.

Also, don't forget to "tag" the picture.
Basically that means to give the post a category, i.e. recipe, tutorial, decorating, etc.

Later when you or your blog friends want to go back and search for
a recipe or something they will be easier to find the idea!
Hope that helps you!
Rowan and I weren't too sure about it either at first.

Now we love it!

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