Tuesday, September 21, 2010

SO i can say i blogged.

idea shamelessly copied from Stephanies blog.


Articles. in magazines that is. i love'em.
Boo. Love me some Alan! 
Camera...thankful for mine.
Diet coke. my favorite drink.
Exercise. Makes me feel so much better.
Greek gyro wraps. Love them!
Holliqua...my nickname. Do you know why?
Indoors. where i am cool!
Jello mousse temptations. Have you tried them?
Kelly's Kids. adorable.
Laughter. it makes everything better.
Obviously this is the alphabet.
Paula and Paige. and pumpkins.
Quiet. my rides to work.
Rowan. my growing boy. 15 months old.  
Sewing. the satisfaction of making something.
Tumblr. my latest addiction.
Umbrellas. they keep me dry.
Victories...big and small.
eXcited about going to Charleston in a few weeks.
You. Cause you are probably my friend or family.
Zzzzzzzzzz.....night night!


  1. YEAH!!!!! Love it Love it...but of course the best part is that sweet pic at the end!

  2. so, i need a tumblr consultant...i set one up but i can't figure out how to post things i like to my page...please HELP!


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