Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This picture absolutely cracks me up!

I love these bowls! I bought them at Bealls Outlet the other day.
Pretty much love polka dots and bright colors.

This is that photo book I ordered off of Walgreens.com the other day.
Very, very cool. And easy to design too.

Libby brought me this Apple Cider Tyler candle the other day.
It smells delicious. We share a love for Tyler candles.
If you haven't ever had one, you need to try them out!!!

Target Dollar spot find last Thursday!
Couldn't resist this cute little bucket!

This morning I made Rowan try on a bunch of
different outfits for fall and winter.
He was not happy about it. Here is one of my absolute
favorite longalls that I bought for him.

Libby brought us a BIG bag of Luke's clothes for us to borrow.
I am so thankful for friends with little boys who have my taste and don't
mind sharing with us!!! :) Thanks Libby!

Also, Lauren and I got to hang out last Thursday night without
our big boys or our little boys...and it was WONDERFUL!
We figured that it had been TWO years since we had spent any
one on one time. Hopefully our plans to make it a monthly
thing will actually come to fruition!
I think we both need it!

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