Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I saw this precious idea on Becky's blog.
I knew I had to do it immediately.
 I bought an 8x8 canvas at Michaels.
I had the paint at home, but you can buy it at Michaels too.
I painted the top and sides of the canvas with a foam brush. 

Then I enlisted the help of this precious one...
I painted his right hand with turquoise paint. (loving red and aqua lately!)
No pictures of the rest because we got paint EVERYWHERE.

Here is a close up of the "after".
I just love it!

The great thing about the idea...
If you do this each year around the birthday of your child,
 one day you will have an amazing colorful display of your childrens
handprints as they grow.

I hope to display these in our playroom one day!

I am linking up to the


  1. I love this idea! I'm totally stealing it :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. so cute...i'm loving red & aqua too!

  3. That is very cute!! I'll have to do that!

  4. So sweet! Now I'm wishing I had started this years ago!

    ~ Sarah


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