Sunday, July 19, 2009


is the big day I suppose...
that is if Rowan doesn't decide
to surprise us tonight.

We are being induced.

I have known since Thursday morning
about our induction, but I was hoping
that our little man would come on his own before then.
That's why I haven't mentioned it.

I am nervous, anxious, excited, overwhelmed...and the list
goes on. I just hope we are doing the right thing.

I am so ready to lay my eyes upon our beautiful baby boy!

Please be in prayer for us.
For good sleep tonight.
For a smooth, not difficult labor process.
For a healthy baby boy.

We can't wait to share pictures of him!

We just cleaned the entire apartment.
My family is on their way.
Alan and I are going out to eat.
Our last meal before Rowan.

I suppose things will never be the same!


  1. I will praying hard for you guys to rest and enjoy the last few hours of just the 2 of you! I can't wait to 'meet' your little man. Lots of love!

  2. Wow! Good luck tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do wonderful- your already 3cm- that's an AWESOME starting place! Can't wait to see pictures! I'll be praying for all of you :D

  3. Praying that Rowan will take it easy on his Mommy! I am so excited for y'all and will pray for an easy delivery and a healthy baby boy!

  4. Oh my! I can remember the day and night before my induction like it was yesterday! Reading your post brought back all those wonderful memories! :o)

    Are you going in at midnight tonight, 5am tomorrow or 11pm tomorrow?

    We are so excited for you and Alan!

    Rowan will be here in a matter of so many hours! With you already being 3cm hopefully there won't be much to it!

    We'll be praying and thinking of you! I can't wait to meet the lil handsome fella!

    Love you girl!


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