Monday, July 20, 2009

the BIG day...

is finally here.

It feels very surreal, knowing that in a matter of
hours I will have a new title.

MOM. Momma. Mother. Mommy.

The next time I blog I will be sharing with you
pictures of my precious, God-given, blessing.

Our Rowan.

I got some decent sleep.
Up every hour. But that's nothing new.
I feel much calmer and more at peace today than yesterday.
I wasn't much short of a basketcase yesterday. :/

Pray with us today that everything
will go smoothly as we welcome our son into this world.

What an amazing adventure this has been!

What an amazing adventure this will be!

What an amazing opportunity to bring life into this world!

We are so blessed!


  1. Ohhh, I bout cried reading your post!

    I will be thinking of you all day today and can't wait to hear the news so I can come see this precious boy tomorrow at work!

    Welcome Baby Rowan!!!

  2. I can't wait to see your precious baby, so I know you can't! I dreamed last night that you got to the hospital and were dialated 14 centimeters!!! :)

  3. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for you. Hope to see you & that baby boy very soon!


  4. welcome my dearest friend hollie to the magical, wonderful, life fulfilling world of motherhood...welcome baby rowan...God bless this beautiful family!


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