Monday, December 17, 2007 was featured in an article in the NY Times today.
How I love and the thought of buying something someone made.

My ultimate goal is to start making something to sale on etsy!

Look at these awesome things for sale on!
black lab christmas cards (she can make the lab blonde like Dixie!)
love everything from paperologie (have some tags on the way!)
personalized stamp (much like the one on my Christmas list)

Ok, I guess enough is enough!
If you are anything like me, you are hooked already!
Let me know what you find while you are out there...etsy-ing!

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Still shopping for a digital camera. I think I have decided on the Nikon D80. Best in 2008 to you and Alan.


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