Sunday, December 16, 2007

12.15.07 and baking...

Well, the nasty cold I had turned into a sinus infection that left me with swollen eyes and a tender face. I ended up not going to work on Friday. I went to the doctor instead. She put me on Azithromycin, which seems to have helped me! I am feeling much better now.

As I mentioned earlier on the blog, December 15th 2004 was the day
Alan and I got engaged. I went back to our wedding
web page on and read the story of the proposal.
Sweet to read and remember exactly how I felt that night!

Here is the account:
Well, Alan was leaving on the 16th to go duck-hunting in Arkansas. He called me before church that night and asked me if I would go look at Christmas lights with him after church. I gave him several excuses about why I couldn't go, but obviously he persuaded me to go with him "because I wouldn't be able to see him for three or four days". So after church we rode around a few neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights. Then we stopped and got a cappucino to drink. We got back in the truck and he said "I bet the lights at Georgia College are on, let's go see". I was thinking ok we will drive by, and then he'll take me home. Well, I was kinda wondering what we were doing when he pulled up in the parking lot and turned off the truck. I was like "what are we doing here, and I am not getting out of this truck, it is freezing." But once again he got his way. So here we are bundled up in our coats and gloves with cappucinos in hand on the coldest night in December on the Georgia College campus. So then he starts talking about "do you remember this, do you remember that..." And I am thinking why is he saying all this, as we proceeded on down the sidewalk towards Front Campus. After walking around for a few minutes I started asking if we could go back to the truck because my toes were about to freeze to the sidewalk. So we were walking in front of Atkinson Hall (one of the most beautiful buildings on our campus). He asked me if I saw any shooting stars, and I was like "I don't see ANY stars, can we just please go to the truck. I am freezing". So he stopped and told me to give him a hug, maybe that would warm me up, so I did. I needed to get rid of my cappucino cup, so I turned around to throw it away, and when I turned back around there he was on his knee, with a beautiful and just-what-I wanted ring in his hand and a smile on his face and he asked me to marry him!!! Between the SHOCK (I thought the day would never come), the excitement, the security, the happiness, and the love, I suddenly was very warm! :) Of course my answer was "Yes! Yes! Yes!" It is wonderful to know the God brought us together, and that through much prayer, Alan and I know that this is God's perfect timing for us! I am blessed to be Alan's future wife. Please pray for us as we prepare to spend the rest of our lives together. :)

So you can guess what we did last night. We rode around and looked at Christmas lights.
We had already had our Starbucks (the peppermint white chocolate mocha is delicious) for the day, so we didn't stop for cappucinos. But I am once again reminded at what a sweet and precious husband that I have. You see, last night was all his idea once again!

On to today...this is what I have been doing all afternoon...
I made all these for my co-workers in the Cath Lab!

These are for Alan to take to work for his co-workers!

Here are the peanut butter balls. Freshly dipped and drizzled with chocolate! Yummy!

I talked to my sweet friend Laura this afternoon and I told her what I had been doing all afternoon. She told me I should start posting some recipes on here. So here is the recipe for the goodies in the Christmas tree platter.

Graham Cracker Bars

2 sticks butter
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup of pecans
Mini Semi-Sweet chocolate chips
Graham crackers

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt butter in stovetop pan. Add sugar and cinnamon. Stir until melted.
Line cookie sheet with foil.
Layer graham crackers on a cookie sheet.
Pour butter, sugar, cinnamon mixture over graham crackers.
Add pecans on top.
Bake for 10 minutes.
Immediately add as many chocolate chips as preferred.
Cool completely then break apart.

This recipe was given to me by my friend Sarah Hobbs! Hi Sarah! She is a wonderful cook! She is always making something new in the kitchen!

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