Tuesday, October 5, 2010

today was great because...

- 2 girls I work with asked me about Operation Christmas Child.
- One of my friends gave me some pumpkin-y smelling goodies. Love them!
- It was not MONDAY!
- I was reminded to not take life for granted.
- Rowan gave me a HUG for the first time.
- My sweet friend, Hope, is letting us borrow two of her little boys PRECIOUS outfits.
- As I was singing "This Little Light of Mine" to Rowan as I was getting him ready for bed...
  he held up his little pointer finger. Lord...let his light shine!
- the air was cool and crisp.
- even though I came home to a messy house, at least I got to come home.
- I learned something new.
-my husband took the car to get it serviced. (something I hate to do!)

What was great about your day?

Oh yeah, and one more thing...

you never know who is reading your blog! :)


  1. Sounds like a great day!!! And can I just tell you that I love the name Rowan!!! Have since I was in high school! What a cutie!! :)

  2. I had a fantastic day too Hollie - girl! I got to wake up slowly because Abi had a 9:00 appointment at the ENT & both kids slept a little late this morning - probably because it was cool, but not too cool in the house & they were both all snuggled up under bunches of warm covers. At the ENT Abi showed Drew how a "big girl" behaves at the doctor's office. We all left there with smiles on our faces & headed off to have their hair cut. Both kids were very sweet & still for Miss Jessica, and they look adorable! They both needed it much worse than I realized. I told them if we did good at the doctor & the hair salon that I would take them to the bakery afterwards & let them get a treat. And it worked! During the walk over to Ryal's bakery Drew was telling us that he was going to get a "bownie like Nana's." BUT when we got there, we had to pass an entire display case of cake/cupcake toppers & decorations, and he went into serious ADD-mode. The ladies working all just stopped to watch him. He'd see a character & just squeal out their name - Cifford! Dora! Sooby Doo! Pincess! Bahney! Puppy Dog! After he saw the dog, he was hooked. They had some little "bone" iced cookies, so he pointed one out & told the lady he wanted a "puppy dog" cookie. It was precious. Abi got the brownie (no surprise there). Coming to work was definitely hard to do after that, but I've been thinking about our morning outings together ever since!

    Ok. Sorry. Didn't mean to make this a separate post - LOL!

  3. Hollie, I sang amazing grace to Luke every night when he was a baby - even to this day at 3 1/2 years old, he asks for "Mary Grace" and WE sing it everynight before bed!


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