Tuesday, October 12, 2010


i. love. this. kid.

 I bought these today at the Dollar Tree. Totally cute.
Gonna make up some Christmas gifts with them.
Add some popcorn, drinks, candy, and a movie or blockbuster gift card. Voila!

My friend Kylie told me about this stuff.
It tastes pretty good to be sugar free.
Totally fall-ish!

FREE candy corn at CVS today!
On sale for 99 cents, and a 99 cents off coupon printed at the Coupon Machine.

I made Turnip Green Soup for supper tonight.
Don't knock it, till you try it.
It is delicious. One of Alan's favorites.
Very healthy too!

This is my shopping buddy.
He was sooo good today.
Sometimes he makes me sweat.
Look at that curl, wouldja?

This is a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch we went to in Charleston.
I thought it was hilarious. I instantly smile when I see this picture!

                                           And here's my cutest little pumpkin in the patch!


  1. love your photos Hollie - Also we do a supper club once a month - last fall we had Turnip Green Soup and it was the best one there!

    But did you know that CVS also has Colgate toothpaste for 2.99 with a 2.99 rebate on your CVS card - whatever that cash back program is called.

    and I have question for u - do you know if you can get comments from your email (that are specific to a post) to the blog post that it relates too? I have folks that get it via email and comment back, but just on email - and I want them there on the post to have it all together....know what I mean?

  2. Thanks!

    I am gonna post the recipe soon!

    I got the toothpaste too, and a pack of diapers. paid only 2.18 and got 2.99 in bucks back. (i had 8 bucks in rewards already.)

    I don't think there is a way to get your comments from e-mail posted back on your blog? Sorry.

  3. I can't wait for the recipe! Your son is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen! I'm your new follower:)


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