Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rowan's First Birthday

Rowan's first birthday was celebrated on July 24th, 2010.
All of his grandparents and great grandparents attended, as well as, 
his Aunt Paige and Aunt Maggie.
His cousins Taylor and Cade also came!
And last but not least Chris, Lauren and Gage.
Chris took several of these pictures for me.

When I started thinking about Rowan's party
back in early May, I knew I wanted to do red, white, and baby blue. 
I didn't really want to do a theme, or so I thought. 
Well, as I was browsing the internet late one night I saw a red, white, 
and blue sailboat party. 
I just knew that it would be perfect.
Red, White, Blue and sailboats scream July to me!
I also love it because it is very classic and very little boy-ish.

So here are the pictures...finally!

First of all, the precious birthday boy.
We love you so much Rowan!
You are a total joy and the most precious gift we have
ever been given!
You can't see them, but his bubble has sailboats on it!


I love the invitations!
I am so glad I decided not to make them. 

The life preserver wreath!
I made this with a straw wreath form.
I pinned the red and white felt to the back of the wreath.
I free handed the banner on a plain white gift box lid.
I printed the words out on Microsoft Word, 
 traced them onto the blue fabric, and painted them
with acrylic paint.
I modge-podged the fabric to the gift box,
then I cut out the banner.
I hot-glued the banner on the wreath.

This is our dining room.
I was originally gonna put the food on this table,
but it made more sense to put it in the kitchen so people
could eat in here.
I made the tablecloth with the help of my sister, Paige.
It's red and white gingham, blue seersucker and white and red polka dots.
I ordered the balloons off of E-bay.

I bought these sailboats for a dollar at Michaels.
They come unpainted and unassembled.
I painted the red and white.
I used blue tissue paper for the "water".
The silver tub was borrowed from my friend Tara!

Here is Rowan's smash cake.
It turned out so very cute!
My sister made this bunting for his highchair.
She used the reverse applique technique for the "R".

This was the big cake!
Delicious pound cake with buttercream icing.

 Sailboat details. Aren't the puffy clouds and waves just precious!

One single candle for my baby boy!

 He wasn't so sure about the cake at first...but then he decided it was good!

The bunting on the mantle!
My sister cut out the triangles and I hot glued them to the jute!

I love this Southern Living at Home plate.
I always change out the ribbon and personalize the message.

Happy Birthday Rowan!

These were the favors!
I used a picture of Rowan on his exact birthday.
We were at the beach!
I made these on,
printed them at CVS, and
attached a magnet to the back.
I put them in a cellophane bag and tied them up
with some ribbon.
The grandparents loved them!

I'm linking up to the
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up           party!




  1. so adorable!! you did such a fabulous job! and that rowan is such a cutie!!

  2. Such a cute party! love all the details! I'll be featuring your party this weekend!

  3. Stunning!!! Everything looks amazing!! Thanks so much for the comment, may be stealing some ideas!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!