Friday, August 20, 2010

two things I am loving...

Blogger Reading List!!! It has saved me so much time. I used to go from blog to blog
checking to see if the blogs I keep up with had updates. Now I just log in and then
the latest updates are there for me to see!!! I love it!

Kaboodle. I made an account a few years ago, but never did anything with it.
Basically it is a list-lovers dream with pictures and links to the items you have saved.
I started my Christmas list on Kaboodle because when the time comes
I can never remember the things I would like to have.

Oh yeah, and this darling child!
(And his Daddy too). 


  1. Girl! I remember telling you to do that a lonnnnnng time ago!!!!! :)

  2. Hollie,
    Ok 1) went to CVS and spent a fortune, HOWEVER, now I have my card all fille dup with ECB and I'm ready for my next shopping trip
    2)Lauren said you were coming to the pig jig...So happy to see you!!!
    3) Rowan is precious! Love those curls. Ginny had a headfull of blond curly Q's just like that!
    4)How do I get to blog reader?
    5)HAve a wonderful weekend!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!