Monday, August 30, 2010

my mind is so full...

so, we went to alabama this weekend. it's always good to see my
parents, my nephews, my sister, and my grandparents.

it is very tiring; to chase a VERY busy one year old around houses that
are not childproof. v-e-r-y tiring!

my older sister turned 33 last Thursday. she wanted Tupperware bowls!
Gotta love the things we want as we get older.

the weather has been so nice. Fall is on the horizon, and that makes me happy.

i got Rowan a Christmas outfit and some cute navy blue shoes for this fall
at a consignment sale.

me, momma, and rowan went junkin' but didn't have much luck. i bought
an antique christmas tree topper for only 50 cents. only deal of the day!

it is very hard to keep up with sippy cups.

i ordered a FREE "purse photo book" from last week.
it was in the mailbox when we got home. i am very impressed by the quality of
said photo book.

my little boy travels like a champ. only fusses when he is hungry or thirsty.

we went to athens today. we visited our old co-workers. it was bittersweet.
i miss my old peeps from ARMC.

we also went to our old house, that is now our rental house. it was...strange.
kinda sad, kinda happy, kinda weird. rowan wasn't a part of our lives when
we lived there, so that felt weird. it was weird seeing someone elses stuff in "our" house.
our renter is very sweet. she signed a lease for another year! yay! the house looked
great inside and out! She has taken great care of the house in the past year. We are
so glad to have her back again this year. it was a little bittersweet because it brought
back very happy memories of a time in our lives that we will never get back.

we learned some unfortunate news about some of our favorite neighbors.
they got divorced and no longer live in our old neighborhood. makes
me sad and a little sick to my stomach. it seems like divorce is rampant these days.

so tonight, i am thankful for my family. my marriage. our renter, Stephanie. a
healthy, happy, busy baby boy. for good times and good memories. and for
where we are today!


  1. Good news on the renter! I was in Warner Robins yesterday, thought about calling I was leaving town! We'll have to get together soon. I wanna get my hands on that Rowan!


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