Tuesday, July 27, 2010

quick and totally random post.

i think about blogging all the time...just can't quite get back into it. don't know why.
Maybe this is a start.

we need milk.

i {heart} diet coke.

i got the new Christmas with Southern Living today in the mail.
totally giddy about it. can't wait till Christmas.

speaking of Christmas...going to "the" mart on Nov. 10.
Let me know if you want anything.

went to Joann's tonight. it's brand-spankin' new. in macon. i loved it!

today...i am very thankful for my job. i really do like it.

rowan discovered the moon while we were at the beach.
it was awesome. to see the world through his eyes.

ROWAN is ONE! WHOA...where did time go. Still haven't blogged his
birth story.

haven't blogged about the beach, or his birthday, or his birthday party either.

my camry has 192, 596 miles on it. and still going strong!

getting ready for the next house project...closing in our "sitting room" which
is home to our computer. installing french doors. painting it a fresh blue color.

my mother-in-law is keeping Rowan this week. so thankful for her.

i am the most tan i have been in 2 years...motherhood.

lauren is my bff. her son is the funniest little guy i know.

i love to vacuum.

i want a new couch.

my husband is the bomb diggity. rowan loves him. even though he bit him for the 1st time
yesterday. :(

i have 2 thousand-and-something gifts 2 grow reward points from pampers diapers
and don't want to cash them in.

nothing beats your own bed. and pillow.

i thought i was fat in high school and college...yeah, whatever.

and finally...

this is a picture of Rowan at the beach for the first time, on his first birthday!

I made these on picnik.com. saved them to a disc. printed them at walgreens.
adhered a magnet to the back. placed them into a cellophane bag. tied them up with jute
and ribbon. and voila...his birthday party favor!

ok...good night.

1 comment:

  1. I hope this is your return to blogging....I've missed reading your posts!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!