Friday, May 21, 2010


you were so happy.
you turned 10 months old.
we went to Hobby Lobby and Wal-mart.
you fell asleep (in your carseat) holding your foot. it was funny.
you got called a girl for the umpteenth time.
you said momma while crawling around on the kitchen floor behind me.
you lunged at your daddy when we got home.
you ate tomatoes, cheese, and pinto beans.
you jumped up and down with glee in your crib
instead of taking a nap.
you belly laughed when your daddy "got you" under your chin.
you fell asleep tonight on my chest...mmm.


you were so precious sitting out in the grass...
with nothing but a diaper.
while daddy cut the grass.
and the sun was going down.

i ran in and grabbed my camera...

and i am so glad i did!

what a great day!


  1. I want to squeeze those sweet little cheeks!

  2. He is absolutely beautiful in a very boy kind of way. You better not cut those curls!!


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