Monday, May 31, 2010

the best homemade ice cream ever...

plus it's low fat and has very little sugar.

We had banana and it was delicious!

Homemade Ice Cream

Mix together…
1 can fat free evaporated milk
1 can fat free condensed milk
1 cup splenda

Mix well, then add…
1 tub of fat free cool whip
1 tablespoon vanilla
Add whatever fruit or flavoring you would like.
(i.e. chocolate or coffee)

When thoroughly mixed pour into freezer.
Add skim milk to full mark.

Friday, May 21, 2010

the moment

i had been waiting for my whole life!

May 21, 2005, 3:00 p.m.

i didn't take my eyes off of him.

his bottom lip quivered.
i beamed with pride.
i had found the one my heart loves.
i knew he was the one long before he did.
but not before HE did.
God's plan is perfect.
he is much MORE than I ever thought I would need.

I love you Boo!
Happy 5 Years!
The best is yet to come...


you were so happy.
you turned 10 months old.
we went to Hobby Lobby and Wal-mart.
you fell asleep (in your carseat) holding your foot. it was funny.
you got called a girl for the umpteenth time.
you said momma while crawling around on the kitchen floor behind me.
you lunged at your daddy when we got home.
you ate tomatoes, cheese, and pinto beans.
you jumped up and down with glee in your crib
instead of taking a nap.
you belly laughed when your daddy "got you" under your chin.
you fell asleep tonight on my chest...mmm.


you were so precious sitting out in the grass...
with nothing but a diaper.
while daddy cut the grass.
and the sun was going down.

i ran in and grabbed my camera...

and i am so glad i did!

what a great day!

10 months old!

Can you see his little tooth peeking through? :)

i could eat him with a spoon!



We have had internet for two weeks now but,
I haven't really known where to start as far as blogging...
Still don't but here goes...

So since I have been gone...
Rowan turned 8 months old!
We moved into our new house!
We unpacked, unpacked, and unpacked...
And believe it or not we are still not done.
We totally redid our landscaping in the front yard.
Alan and our nice neighbor Tommy removed the fence from
our front yard!
We celebrated Easter in Alabama!
Rowan turned 9 months old!
Rowan got his first tooth!
Alan worked an insane schedule for almost three weeks!
Can you say single mom?
Rowan started crawling!
Alan got into graduate school at Mercer.
He is getting his Masters in Environmental Engineering!
I celebrated my First Mothers Day!
Rowan said "Moma"! :)
We painted our front door red!
Rowan turned 10 months old TODAY!
We celebrate our FIVE year anniversary tomorrow! (5/21)

Lots of pictures to come!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

House updates.

The Before!
The During!

The later DURING!

And after!
(Well kinda, the door got one more coat after this.)

This is a sign we ordered from Lowes.
It's on our mailbox!

I still need to take an AFTER picture from the road now that the
door is completely finished!

What a difference a little TLC makes!

front door...

New paint. New hardware.

So much better!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

momma's day...

Happy Mother's Day to all you fabulous mothers!
Happy Mother's Day to my momma, my sister and my friends!

And thank you to my husband and my beautiful baby boy for
making my very first Mother's Day so special.

I am so thankful God has given me the opportunity to be a mom...
Oh how he has changed me!