Wednesday, March 17, 2010


for all your warm wishes about our new home.
We are so excited the time has finally come!
I can't wait to share all the projects we have in store for it!

Thanks also for the sweet comments about our
big little boy.

I love comments and I love getting random e-mails from
people I don't know IRL (in real life) pertaining
to posts on my blog!

I love getting snail mail.
I love getting e-mails.
And I love blog comments!

Hence the button below...

Blakley...the tutorial for the wreath is here.
It is very easy, but a little time-consuming.
To make a letter...
I bought a piece of rectangular styrofoam from HL.
Alan free-handed the "S" and cut it out with a knife.

Sarah...I am a good copy-cat. Hardly creative.
I wish, though.
Here is the link for the very simple applique technique!
(Crystal from a Little Bit Funky is awesome. Love her blog.)

We are officially moving on Friday and Saturday!
C-A-N-N-O-T wait!


  1. thanks for the directions girlie! such a cute idea!

  2. So true about the good copycat thing...that's why I love the blogging world. There are so many "new" ideas to try!

    Excited for y'all getting a new house. I cannot wait to see Rowan's nursery! Praying for a weekend of nice weather for moving!

  3. I LOVE your ideas and copy them all the time!!!
    Congrats on the house- I know its exciting ! ... just wish it was a little closer to Mville :(

  4. It's weird how I have to keep up with my nephew through this blog.

  5. um, i know you are busy and all.... but i want some pics of the new house!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I love your blog! You are so talented! I feel like I know you a little better now! You are perfect the way you person...not just behind a computer! The house is beautiful and I can't wait to see it!!!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!