Sunday, February 14, 2010


It started snowing late Friday afternoon...
and it snowed and snowed and snowed.
We got between 3 and 4 inches.

It was so beautiful.

I got home from work too late to take pictures...
so Saturday morning we bundled Rowan up
and out we went.
Alan made him his first snowman. (I think it is just adorable.)
I love how Rowan is checking Little Mr. Snowman out.
Shortly after this picture Rowan started flailing his arms
and bouncing up and down in his Bumbo.
He loved it.


  1. I love his sweater suit...looks so warm. Alan's snowman is A LOT better than our attempt!

  2. sssssssoooooooo....ccccccccuuuuuuuutttttttttttteeeeeeeee


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