Friday, December 4, 2009

i love free stuff...

I got all this stuff for free at CVS on Monday!!!
This is how...
I spent 34 dollars on Black Friday and got 26 ExtraCare
Bucks (ECB) back. (They are like instant cash.)
So my trip Monday would have costed me 36.93...
but I shopped sales, then I had coupons for every sale item,
then I had a 5 dollar off 15$ purchase from the
bottom of a receipt and my ECBs.
So, my grand total, get this, was 1.28...and that was TAX!
Can you say excited!

I started couponing seriously a few weeks ago and am loving it!

My favorite stores are now Publix, Walgreens, and CVS.

I have learned alot about all of it, but I have so much more to learn.

These are my favorite sites so far.

These awesome ladies do the homework for you!
Their websites are full of wonderful deals, coupons,
store sale ads, and more!

I spent 30 dollars at Publix on Monday and saved 50 dollars.
I came home with bags and bags of stuff.

I would love to hear how y'all save money!
I would also love any other sites you may use to help
your family save money!


  1. I love visiting coupon blogs too! There was a great coupon blog I was visiting frequently and then she ust stopped posting for no reason. She had some great deals. I love coupon-ing at Publix--they practically give stuff away!!!

  2. I too love a deal & don't buy things unless (1) they are on sale AND (2) I have a coupon for it. I wish SO BADLY that we had a Publix here, but I can't complain about Kroger. I use and (& for electronic coupons on my Kroger card). This way you can use printed AND electronic coupons for the same item! There is a lady in Middle GA that actually holds seminars on couponing...I'm trying to get her contact info & maybe we can go together! PS - My security word was "faddle" so now I want caramel popcorn...don't think I have a coupon for that!


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