Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gage and Rowan

We met up with Lauren, Chris, and Gage last Friday
 night at Cracker Barrel.
Rowan was mesmorized by Gage.
They were so cute together.
Lauren and I have been friends for 12 years now.
From junior year of high school...
to senior year of college...
to marrying our college sweethearts...
and now we both have sweet baby boys!


  1. I love it...and Rowan's hair! It has grown so fast! lol :)

  2. God has blessed my life in MANY of the BIGGEST BLESSINGS is are always there no matter are one I can count on, talk to, cry with and laugh with. You know my thoughts before I speak the words, and you can be trusted with the innermost...ME! I love you and am praying your family has a great Christmas. Your friendship is the greatest gift I could ever get!


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