Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

Alan and I saw this video at church a few Sundays ago...

and it brought us both to tears.

It is so amazing what these simple-to-us shoe boxes

can mean to a precious child!

We couldn't wait to go out and fill up some boxes!

We put together a boy box...

and a girl box.

And we had a ball!

If you haven't already made a box (or two) I encourage you to do so!

Details can be found here.

God is using this ministry to reach children

all around the world for Him!

What an awesome way to start the holidays off!


  1. Doesn't it feel good to provide for someone and knowing you may be making a difference in their life?

    Times are tough for everyone right now, and even tougher for some. There are hungry people, there are hungry kids. And while we too have had to scale back, we are lucky. Our babies rarely do without. It’s our turn to give back.

    I have started buying for my Salvation Army angel kids, I have bought a few things to make a Christmas box, and I am making up my night-night tote for a sheltered kid.

    I have my pics to post on my blog, just need to find some time to do it! I am hoping I can get to it to day! :)

  2. Hollie - I'm so glad you posted about this. We were at my home church in Dudley this weekend & they did a special presentation of all of the boxes that had been donated so far - 397!!! It was amazing.

    They had all of the kids in children's church & the nursery carry the boxes down the aisle. The kids had the boxes stacked as high as they could carry, and they even had to have several kids bring in wagons full of boxes. I was so surprised & delighted when I even saw my little Abi come down the aisle carring a single shoebox. My eyes are welling up even as I type.

    They then had a sweet 8-year-old girl say a prayer of dedication over the boxes & for the famliies that would receive them as well as the people who had was definitely the highlight of the morning's worship for me.

    We are doing boxes this week for a boy & girl. I can't wait to have Abi help me put everything in the boxes & deliver them on Saturday!


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