Saturday, November 14, 2009

one year ago today...

We found out Rowan was on the way!!!

I remember feeling shocked, overwhelmed,
and in awe of God's goodness.

I wondered if it was gonna be a girl or a boy.
(Boy, obviously)

I wondered what he or she would look like.
(Never would have imagined a baby so beautiful.)

I wondered what it would feel like to have
a baby moving around inside me.
(Very, very cool, sometimes uncomfortable)

I wondered what labor would feel like.
(Ouch, ouch, ouch and ouch!!!)

I wondered what it would be like
to be a mother.

And now I know.
It's a love and joy that is indescribable.

Thank you God for our sweet baby boy!

You have so richly blessed our lives
by giving us Rowan!

I couldn't imagine life without him.
We love you sweet Rowan!

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