Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Pumpkin Day!

Yes, I did it. I made Halloween cards! :)
Since most of our friends and family live out of town
and won't be able to see Rowan in his cute little
giraffe costume I figured Halloween cards
would be perfect.

Have a great weekend...


Happy Pumpkin Day!


Anonymous said...

I got mine! Thank you and we love it!

I hung it on the fridge yesterday and everytime Kyndall sees Rowan she screams "BeeBee! BeeBee! BeeBee!" and points frantically at Rowan's picture!

How cute!!

Sarah said...

I got mine's so precious! Thanks for thinking of us...and, Happy Pumpkin Day to you!

A Book Bagg said...

Where did you get these? They are precious!

Sara said...

Hey- you might like this site:

Love yall,