Tuesday, August 4, 2009

two weeks old...

We had our two week check up for Rowan yesterday!
He weighs 7.14 and is 21 inches long.
He has gained almost a pound in ONE week,
and grown an inch in two weeks.
They truly grow too fast!

Also, I just want to praise my sweet husband publicly...
I have known for 4+ years that I have a jewel of a husband.
Because I just know and people tell me that all the time.
He is sweet, patient, selfless, sensitive, gentle, and so, so much more.
If you read my blog regularly or if you know Alan you know
exactly what I am talking about.
Bringing a baby into this world with him by my side was amazing.
Watching him cuddle and talk to our little boy is indescribable.
The way he tends to us is phenomenal.
I love sitting back watching him with Rowan.
He is a great husband and now a wonderful daddy to Rowan.
May I never take for granted...him, or our marriage.
I love you Boo!

1 comment:

  1. sweet post! wives like us blessed with husbands like them are few and far between. God is so good.


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