Friday, June 26, 2009


Alan and I are all settled in at the apartment.
Life is good! Great actually!
Rowan's room is fixed up and just looks precious!
I wish you all could see!
Things are continuing to go well with the pregnancy!
I'm still working and taking call at work!
We are looking forward to meeting our little one sometime
in the next month.
We are very close to deciding on a church home.
Things are really coming together!

Thanks for your prayers!

We don't have internet at the apartment...
not sure when we will have it up and running again?!?


  1. I'd LOVE to see Rowan's nursery if you get a chance to post some pics. Glad to hear all is good. Hang in there!

  2. #1 I can't wait to see lil Rowan's nursery! Please post pics soon! Come borrow my computer oneday this week if you need to!

    #2 I have missed reading your blog terribly!

    #3 Which church homes are you looking at?

    #4 We can't wait to meet little Rowan too!!

    #5 Big hugs and kisses to you and baby!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!