Monday, May 4, 2009

photo albums, bibs, and onesies...

Very productive weekend on the homefront...
Unfortunately I need a bunch more of these
to do the rest of the things
I want to do before Rowan comes!

A friend of mine from work, Tara, just found out she is
having a little girl in September!
I am so excited for her!
I made her a cute little photo album for her
pictures of her sweet little one!

I made one for myself as well!

Last weekend I made this bib...

You can see that I really like this fabric.

Rowan now has a shopping cart cover,
bib, and burp cloth that match!

Aunt Paige made this precious little
pieced bib out of leftover fabrics.
She whipped it up in minutes I tell you!

We found these cute little onesies at Wal-mart.
Mom, Paige, and I just loved them!
They will be perfect for our little summer baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. Love it all babe! I especially love the bib your Aunt made! :)


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