Sunday, May 10, 2009

House update, Mother's Day, baby update...

My last post sounds so whiney and depressing.
I knew it when I wrote it, but now a week later it
sounds even worse. :(
Some days are good, some days are bad.
That's life I suppose.
Hopefully this will be behind us soon!!!

No news on the house.
We are working on something that will hopefully
help us get our house sold soon!
Don't want to say too much...
and honestly...
I feel like we (I) are beating a dead horse here.

Today has been a great day.
Alan gave me a card when I woke up
with a sweet note in it (my favorite part).
He also gave me a gift certificate
for a manicure
and pedicure.
The perfect gift for a "30 week" pregnant girl.
My feet are swollen up like marshmellows!
We went out for Chinese after church for
the second day in a row.
Our waiter was the first stranger to notice that
I'm pregnant!!! I have really just started to show!

I really can't believe I will be a momma in
about 10 weeks now! Time is flying by.
I go back to the doctor on Tuesday for
the GTT and a regular check up.
Then I guess we will go back at 34 weeks...
then every 2 weeks...
then every week...
Did I mention that time is flying!
We continue to be thankful for good
health for Rowan and me.
I feel wonderful, despite the swelling.

This weekend is the starting of our baby showers!
Mom and Paige are doing a luncheon at Mom and Dad's
house for family and family friends!
I am excited about seeing everyone.

I have been on call this I didn't get to
see my "mother dearest" as I used to say when I was little.
I can't wait to see her next weekend...
and take her the rest of her gift!
The older I get the more I realize how much
she loves us and how much she has done for us!
Alan and I gave our mom's a Rowan brag book!
I printed some of our 3D/4D pictures to go in it for now.

Happy Mother's Day all of you Momma's and Momma's to be!

Love you Momma!

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