Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Continue in the fear of the LORD all the day.
For surely there is a future,
and your HOPE will not be cut off.
Proverbs 23:17-18

Today I'm...
So thankful for this baby in my belly.
So thankful that Alan and I have good jobs.
So thankful we have a house we are trying to sell.
So thankful for loving friends and family.
So thankful for a warm sunshine-y day.
So thankful for a pedicure and new sandals.
So thankful for health.
So thankful for my husband.
So thankful for a God that loves me no matter what.
So thankful for peace in economic hard times.
So thankful for blooming flowers and springtime.
So thankful for the Cross.
So thankful that God is still in control even
when I doubt Him. Everyday.
So thankful for Hope.

These past few weeks I have started asking
God to teach me what He wants me to learn from this
stressful time. Honestly, I have become angry that
we are here. That our house hasn't sold.
I know God has a plan, but I am so frustrated.
I cry alot. I feel overwhelmed everyday.
I pray for understanding.
I pray that God will help us endure.

Our "problems" are so small when it comes
to what other people I know are going through,
but right now they seem so BIG!

Please pray for us.
That God will give us wisdom to make
the right decisions when we are faced with them.
That I will have understanding about why I'm here.
That we won't lose hope when everything seems so gray.
And that through all of this we will grow to be better.
That my attitude will be positive.

He promises to never leave us or forsake us...
I'm clinging to that.
That is the ultimate hope.


  1. I totally understand the disappointment and frustration of trying to sell a home. My husband and I tried selling our home for over a year in hopes of moving to Dallas, TX so my husband could continue seminary. When the house never sold we didn't know what God was trying to do. We still don't have all the answers, but little things happen all the time that show us He is in control whether we understand it or not. I will be praying for understanding and contentment as the Lord leads you.


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