Wednesday, February 11, 2009

more baby stuff

I joined the Publix Baby Club online a few weeks ago.
They sent me 2 full pages of coupons and
the book that is pictured below.
I went to Publix last week and bought all the stuff in the
picture plus 2 jumbo packages of Pampers Wipes
for 46 dollars. I saved a whopping 40 dollars!
If you are pregnant or just had a baby you need to sign up! :)

My dear friend Sarah sent us this precious little
book for Baby Singleton last week as well.
I love books and can't wait to read this one
to our baby over and over and over.

Alan and I bought this sweet little outfit when
we went to Pigeon Forge at a little
store called Smoky Mountain Babies.
It says "God's creation" at the top.
On the leg it says "God saw all that He had made
and said that it was good".
It's so adorable.
It's made by a company called His Gem.
Every piece of clothing they make has a scripture on it.

Lauren gave me a boy and girl version of this outfit
for Christmas.
It is probably my most favorite outfit yet!
It says "Thank Heaven for little boys".
So soft and sweet!

Alan told me last night that his Valentines Day plans
were a bust. He went on to explain that he had tried to call
First Glimpse at least 6 times, he had e-mailed them, and
he had even driven up to Macon to go to the place.
It was closed when he got there even though the sign said
they were open till 5:00.
And he still hasn't gotten in touch with anyone there.
So, I told him it wasn't a big deal. (It's really not.)
I actually feel bad that he went to all that trouble for me.
He is so sweet to try to surprise me like that!
I asked him that if I called today and got
in touch with someone could we still go.
He said yes!
So this morning, I called first thing and left a message.
Hopefully they will call me back! Soon!
We may be getting a Gender Determination 2D
Ultrasound soon!
I would love to go on Saturday!
I'm just ready for some confirmation!
I don't think I can stand to wait until the second week in March.
And anyway, I found out that the sweet, little
boy bedding from Restoration Hardware is on sale!
The catalog has much better prices than the internet. Who knew?

We are off to our 16 week doctor's appointment this afternoon.
I'll post an update later tonight!

I forgot to mention that yesterday was
my 2 year Blogaversary!
That's right!
Been blogging for 2 years and I love it!

1 comment:

  1. so glad you love the's such a sweet one. What a steal on your deals at Publix! You'll have to remind me of all of these things when I'm pregnant.


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