Monday, February 23, 2009

happy things today...

~ Lunch with Boo at Subway. Lovin' the BLT since I can't have
processed lunch meat!

~ My friend Sarah sent me some Pampers diaper coupons! Thanks Sarah!

~ I also received a precious birth announcement from
my dear friend Laura in the mail.

~ Sleeping in with nothing to do today!

~ Went by to look at the house above. We love it.
Is it the one? Who knows?

~ Ribbon burpcloths and a monogrammed blanket for Rowan.

~ A free subscription to Parents magazine for 2 years.
Don't ask me how I got it.

~ Gifts to Grow points at
You accumulate points and then you get to order "free" stuff.

~ A new Southern Living magazine.

~ Looking forward to spending the weekend with Lauren, Chris and Gage.

~ The crib skirt and sheet will ship this week.
Bumper should follow soon.
We ordered the one from Restoration Hardware.

~ Finding out that Kroger carries Stoneyfield Farms yogurt.
I love it! It's in the organic section.
Thanks Laura! They have 6 flavors too!

~ Buying baby wipes that are on sale + a .50 cents off coupon!

~ Staring at pictures of Rowan. Wondering what he is doing today.

~ Nursery ideas.

~ An e-mail from Lauren.

~ The ladies at Subway telling me what a good "man"
I have and telling me he always tells them about
his "pregnant wife". And telling me that Alan makes their day!
He frequents Subway for lunch if you couldn't tell.

~ Alan telling me not to stress.

Some days are rough! It's refreshing to make a list of things to be thankful for!

Stress is pretty high right now due to the couple who made the
offer on our house last weekend. They came back to our open
house yesterday.Made another counter offer today.
They are still being VERY unreasonable.
And their realtor is being a "hardball" and a "stick-in-the-mud".
(Those are the words of our realtor.)
Supposedly they are VERY interested in the it
...and blah, blah, blah, but their offers are just simply unreasonable.
We are trying to meet them in the middle
and it seems that they won't budge.
I am trying to stay patient, stress-free, and calm.
Alan is helping me.
Please continue to pray that everything will work out.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I'm thankful for YOU!!! Your friendship is a true gift. Thank you for being you and for our frequent phone conversations when we are both up to "nothing."

    i am also thankful for the sweet baby girl that just spit up in my lap! :)

  2. Where are the pictures of the sewing we did?

  3. I'm thankful for Wayne in the recliner right now watching TV, teasing me and eating brownies.

    I am thankful that Leslie loves her "new" Chris Brown handmedown car.

    I'm thankful for asweet little baby boy that is coming to your house before you know it!

    I'm thankful for forgiveness!

  4. I am OH so thankful for my almost 6 month old miracle baby boy. I am thankful that instead of things being "so much worse" God in all of his mercy chose to make them GREAT for our little boy. He is precious and our God is amazing.

  5. That house is beautiful! I'm sure the right offer will come soon enough!! The Lord is laying out his path... and the pieces will fit together soon!

    I'm thankful for my two sleeping kiddos, my hubby who sits right next to me and the fact that although my knee still really hurts, I can still walk. AND we had great weather today - 87 degrees. It was fab.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!