Monday, November 3, 2008


I'm over the black and white polka dots...ready for something plain again!

I'm thankful for such a beautiful day outside!

I've been working on my Christmas list!

I need to wrap two presents. One for Nathan and
one for Laura and her baby girl who is un-named at the time!

Alan and I spent all afternoon with this little man yesterday!
He has given us a little itch...

I mentioned before that I ordered Lauren a
cute birthday gift!
Here it is!
It is really hard to capture the cuteness of it!
And for those of you wondering where I got it...
Etsy of course!

I just bought William P. Young's The Shack. Maggie posted on her blog about it. Laura told me I needed to read it. And Lauren's mom has read it. And loved it.

Here is a picture of Maggie's new puppy, Janie! She is too cute!

I spent part of the morning browsing online for a new camera lens. I think I have decided on the Canon EF 50mmf/1.8.

Is anybody else ready for the election to be over with?


  1. Girl- we had a blast yesterday-thank yall for stopping in-welcome back anytime! I love when friendship comes naturally and you don't have to work at it. I also love the fact that Chris and Alan get along so well, we are both two blessed wives! This pict of my little man is PRECIOUS! Let me know when yall are thinking about scratching that itch you have :) 143

  2. So funny you should grandmother passed "The Shack" along to me last weekend when I was at home. I haven't started it yet, but hope to soon.

    So fun that you guys have the "itch"!!!

    You have me totally addicted to Etsy by the way...I'm hoping to do some of my Christmas shopping there!


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