Sunday, September 14, 2008

what's new...

Alan sent me these beautiful roses last Thursday!
just because.
This is a Goodwill find that I am so thrilled about.
I found the same bubble on eBay and it was $42.00.
I paid $1.50. It's in perfect condition!
(And no we are not having a baby...yet.)
I took this picture this afternoon.
A lily pad and bloom from G-ma's pond out back!

And here is the glider. It is coming along nicely.

Alan is working on painting the "woven" part as I type this.

Finally, another Goodwill find.

My heart totally skipped a beat when I saw this.

It is the dress-me-up plate by

Southern Living at Home.

Despite the hideous ribbon and writing, I saw its potential.

It cleaned up beautifully.
I can't wait to display it in our new house.
(one. of. these. days.)

Since I have two days off per week now, I've had to

find something to busy myself. I have found all the thrift stores

around and I frequent them weekly.

I love thrifting. It's like a treasure hunt.

I also found a cheese dome like this one.

I am gonna make one of these!

All I need to find now is a candle holder and a clear glass plate.

I think one of these would be so cute mixed in with some flowers!

Alan is calling me to come look at the glider...gotta go!


  1. When you do finally have a baby, you HAVE to come back to athens to the Cornerstone kids consignment sale. It is so much fun. I consigned this year and made $97 on clothes Sam never wore. They were clothes I didn't really like. I only spent $60 on at least 25 outfits! Most of them still had tags on them. It is a little obsession of mine, but SO much fun.

  2. i totally love the little crafty ideas you posted, especially the one with the cheese dome.

    if only we lived closer we could thrift & craft together...maybe one day!

    Hope work is going well for both of you & I'll keep praying for the sell of your house!



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