Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Just a little picture of Gage before I go to bed!
Sounds like things are going great in Philly!
I can't wait to hold him!
So much that I will bathe in Purell Hand Sanitizer if I need to! :)

We haven't heard anything from the couple that
came to look at our house!
Getting them financed will be the
biggest thing right now (according to our agent).
Stranger things have happened... just look at that little miracle above!

Gotta go to bed in case I get called in tonight!

Monday, September 29, 2008

it's Monday!

We had a great and very busy weekend in Alabama!
It was great to see Maggie and all the other family!

Gage is doing great!
The focus now is feeding and gaining weight!
Pray that he continues to tolerate his feedings as they are increasing them daily!
There are some great new pictures on Caringbridge.org.
You can tell what a little guy he is! So sweet!

I have spent alot of time today on www.daveramsey.com.
Very motivated to continuing saving, and to increase our savings.
Loved what he says about buying cars.
He encourages people to be accountable for every dollar!
Makes me think about those Diet Cokes I buy all the time!
(Not to mention the caffeine!)

Well, that's all.
I work tomorrow, Wednesday, and Friday!
Saturday is the Jason Aldean concert at the Georgia National Fair! :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

good news...

  • Lauren and Chris heard the words "going home and discharge" yesterday...they don't know when, but it will be soon! Gage is doing great! He is supposed to be getting his first bottle today!

  • The couple who were supposed to be looking at our house on Monday didn't show BUTthey did come last night...and...THEY WANT IT!!! We don't have an official offer because they need to get approved so we aren't getting too excited...but I am excited...hopeful...praying that it will work out.

  • Maggie got home from California last night.
    We are headed to Alabama for the weekend. We haven't even been to AL since June I think. So we are excited to see all the family. We are having a fish fry tonight at Mom & Dads. Then tomorrow we are headed to our favorite furniture store, Akins Furniture, for some new living room furniture. And to "Trade Day" which is an outdoor flea market thing. And we might even go see Fireproof. The new movie by the church in Albany, GA. The same ones that made "Facing the Giants". So excited about it all!

It is such a beautiful day. My Southern Living magazine came yesterday and I can't wait to look at all the fall ideas. Maybe I will have a front porch to put some pumpkins on this year?!?

Well I gotta go, Alan will be here soon!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

this weekend...

Look at this precious baby!
Bright eyed and sticking his tongue out at his daddy!
Hopefully he will lose the breathing tube tomorrow!
Man, I can't wait to wrap by arms around him and his momma!

A taper candle holder,
a plain glass plate, a "cheese dome" cover,
and some glass glue later...

And this is what you get!
We made two of these out of thrift store finds this weekend!

This is a picture I found on the Internet! Ours look just like these!

I posted about these earlier in the week...

Got one this weekend for 15.00 with a Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon.

It smells lovely!

We had a great weekend at home.

It's so nice to be at home...

it smells like "Autumn Wreath" .

it's neat, organized, and clean.

our bed is so comfortable and roomy.

we got to watch our own T.V.

it's quiet.

Dixie got to run and play.

we got to cook dinner.

we got to watch the Georgia game.

we got to take naps.

I made chili.

it's "our" home!

Well, we are off to Wal-mart to get some necessities for the week!

Say a prayer for the couple coming to look at our house tomorrow at 6:30!

Friday, September 19, 2008

getting ready to go home...

I am glad the weekend is finally here.
Alan and I have not been to our house in three weeks...
So I am happy we are heading there this afternoon.

Gage is improving by leaps and bounds!
Hopefully he will be extubated (the breathing tube will be removed)
Keep praying for him!

We got some great news on Wednesday...
A couple is looking at our house on Monday night!
They went to the house and looked around on the outside twice already.
Please pray for the sale of our house...
If it is not meant to be for this couple, pray another one comes soon!

We are so ready to have a place of our own to come
home to everyday.
The house we have had our eyes on here is still on the market!!!

Lia and I finished our sewing classes last night.
Our pajama pants turned out very cute!
I am planning to make Alan a pair so I can practice what we learned.
We are taking an advanced beginner class in October.

Alan and I are going to look for furniture this weekend...
With the hopes of the sell of our house in mind.
We want some new living room furniture!

That's all!
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

what's new...

Alan sent me these beautiful roses last Thursday!
just because.
This is a Goodwill find that I am so thrilled about.
I found the same bubble on eBay and it was $42.00.
I paid $1.50. It's in perfect condition!
(And no we are not having a baby...yet.)
I took this picture this afternoon.
A lily pad and bloom from G-ma's pond out back!

And here is the glider. It is coming along nicely.

Alan is working on painting the "woven" part as I type this.

Finally, another Goodwill find.

My heart totally skipped a beat when I saw this.

It is the dress-me-up plate by

Southern Living at Home.

Despite the hideous ribbon and writing, I saw its potential.

It cleaned up beautifully.
I can't wait to display it in our new house.
(one. of. these. days.)

Since I have two days off per week now, I've had to

find something to busy myself. I have found all the thrift stores

around and I frequent them weekly.

I love thrifting. It's like a treasure hunt.

I also found a cheese dome like this one.

I am gonna make one of these!

All I need to find now is a candle holder and a clear glass plate.

I think one of these would be so cute mixed in with some flowers!

Alan is calling me to come look at the glider...gotta go!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

feeling fallish...

Today when I was checking out at Wal-mart I noticed all the
pumpkins gracing the fronts of all the magazines.

Just seeing all that orange gets me so excited!
I love this time of year!

Why do I love it so much?

Alan and I met in the fall.
pretty leaves.
hot chocolate.
snuggling with boo!
Christmas is coming soon!
cold weather.
Autumn Leaves Yankee candles.
warm fires.
chili and cheese.

What is your favorite thing about fall!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gage is out of surgery!

He is doing great!

Praying for another great day!

Please pray his bowels will start working, that he will
tolerate food, and that he will stay free of infection!

Monday, September 8, 2008

just got in...

from work.
It's 11:45pm.
I got to work at 6:45am.

i'm tired.

but i can't get my mind off of a sweet
precious baby boy who is laying on a NNICU bed
in Philly.

i can't stop thinking about his momma,
and his daddy.

how they must feel today...

are they rested?

do they need anything?

is there anything I can do to lighten the load?

i can't imagine a mother's or a father's love.


i can't imagine the dreams they have for their sweet baby boy!

Gage is having surgery tomorrow morning at 7:30am.

Pray with me please!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

a sign for Gage

Lauren told me Gage needed a sign with his name to go above his
bed in the NNICU because all the other babies there had them.

So, this afternoon I got busy and this is what I got!

I'm sending it off tomorrow along with the baby book!

Gage is having surgery on Tuesday!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

loving these...

1. My new blog background!

2. Tyler Candle Co. candles!
The signature scent is "Tyler" and it smells awesome!
Libby told me about these!

3. This house...I wish it was ours right now!

4. Personalized key fobs
The first two are from etsy.com!
The second from YaYaSistersDesigns.com .

5. Alegria shoes!
So comfortable!
I am about to order these! Yes, in this color!

6. This baby book by Penny Laine that I
bought for Lauren today!
(Hopefully she won't look at this.)

7. Candlewick punch bowl! On ebay right now!

Would love to have this for coffee punch!

Brown- Party of 3!

I thought this picture was so great!
I had to share it on my blog!
Gage is hopefully having surgery tomorrow!
Please pray for that his blood pressure and heart rate
will remain stable through the night!

Gage is here!

Gage was born September 4th!

He weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz.

He is 19 1/2 inches long!

Isn't he a precious little miracle from God!

I'm sure y'all have heard the good news by now!
But I wanted to post anyway!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gage may be on the way...

Lauren was dilated 3cm this morning at her appointment.
They have admitted her to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
She is in the room she will deliver in.
Chris' flight leaves at 5:30.
Gage will probably be here soon!!!

Lauren created a CaringBridge site yesterday...


You can check there for updates, leave messages. etc.

Keep on praying!

Monday, September 1, 2008

lots to share...

I know all of you are wondering how Lauren is doing...
They are doing well.
Hanging out in the hotel in Philly.
Tomorrow they will call to check-in with the doctor.
Hopefully they will be able to move to the Ronald McDonald
house tomorrow, even though they don't have reservations until September 10th.

Lots of pictures to post of the goings on around here...

The first picture is the fabric that will soon become pajama pants.
Lia (my sister-in-law) and I started our sewing classes last Thursday night!

The next three pictures are taken in Alan's grandma's backyard. She has lots of beautiful flowers, a koi pond, and a pool. Sometimes she gets visitors like this little frog!

Last night, Alan and I ventured to Marietta to go to the
Marietta Diner.
Alan saw the resturant on Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives
a few months ago and has been talking about it since.
Well, it was worth the drive!
If you are ever around those parts you should definitely go!

Here are some burp cloths I have been making for
some of my friends that have babies on the way!

So I found these cute camera straps on Etsy.
The girl was simply sewing ribbon onto camera straps
and selling them for 25 dollars.
When I got my new camera I told Alan I wanted to buy one
of those straps. He thought I could make one myself.
Well, that was months ago...and I had yet to make one.
So yesterday when I was at Hancock Fabrics I found some
cute hot pink and black ribbon and some needles for heavy weight fabric.
I figured out how to change the needles
(thank goodness for an instruction book).

And then I started sewing...

Here's a before...

And here's an after...

I'm off!