Thursday, August 21, 2008

what's up...

This past Thursday, Lauren (and Gage) and Chris went on their last trip
to Philly before the go up for Gage's "birthday".

They got good news. Gage weighs approximately 5.3 pounds.
Everything else seems to be going well.

Lauren and her mom will fly up on September 10th to wait for Gage to be born.
The original plan was for them to induce, but now they want to
wait for her to go into labor. Chris will come up closer to Lauren's due date.

For the next two weeks Lauren will go to the doctor twice a week here.

She had a baby shower today at County Line in Douglasville,
the church where our friendship began.
She said they got lots of great stuff...I can't wait to see everything!

It's crazy for me to think that my best friend is
going to be a mommy.
She is going to be such a great one.

Next weekend she is having a shower at Sinclair.
I have had so much fun shopping for all kinds of goodies for this little man!

Alan and I are still waiting for our house to sell.
I have gotten pretty discouraged about it all.
We haven't had any "lookers" in about three weeks.
The house that we have been looking at here is still on the market as well.
My prayer is that ours will sell before that one.

Libby, Luke, and I spent Friday together.
We always have a great time together.
That little Luke is such a sweet, happy baby!

We gathered up supplies to make some personalized ID badge reels.

I ordered one off eBay that is similar to the one below.

Libby's mom has a friend that has a monogram machine,

so she is gonna make some more for us! They are so cute!

Since I wear blue scrubs everyday at least we can have

something fun to wear to hold our ID badges!

Alan and I started a little project a few weeks ago... it's this antique glider. Our realtor showed us this website and we were instantly hooked on them too. A few Saturdays ago we went to the poorer section of town and knocked on doors asking if we could buy the different people's gliders. We came home with three gliders and two matching chairs.

So far we have sanded, and primed the one pictured.

The plan is to paint it red, and the squares black.

I am going to make black and white polka dotted pillows to go on it!

If only we had a porch to put it on!

That's all for now!


  1. I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth! Welcome back!

  2. cute cute project!! can't wait to see the final product!! what a great idea!

  3. You can so creative! Love it!
    Karen K.


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