Wednesday, June 18, 2008


today one of Alan's co-workers called to tell me Alan had been in a car accident...
(hold my breath)
that he was ok...
but that the car was not...
We got the Camry towed to a body shop nearby.
We will be waiting till next week to see if she is fixable.
Hopefully she will be...she is paid off...and Hello we are about to buy a new house!
Thank God Alan was ok, and so was the other driver.

I can't believe I only have two more days of work! The past three weeks have flown by. It really is a bittersweet time.

Our computer has been acting up lately. Alan took it to work so that a co-worker could look at it. He fixed it, but somewhere along the way all of my ITunes got erased...All 400 songs. Not happy about that. Luckily I can download the CD's I have again. But for all the ones I have purchased they are gone. :(

Anyways we are hard at work on our mortgage loan paperwork and wrapping things up around here. I can't believe we are really moving!

Here is a picture of my r. wood studio pottery!

I'm off.


  1. Sorry about Alan!(but so very glad he's OK) So proud of Lauren, she is doing great! Are ya'll going to be down this weekend for the wedding?

  2. Oh my gosh, how scary! I'm glad your hubby is okay!

  3. Love ya Hollie! Thankful Alan is okay.

    I'd love the chance to see you and Alan after you move. I live in Macon now. I miss you guys.

  4. Hey girl-

    I am glad that everything is ok! I was thinking about you a lot yesterday! I too am glad Alan is ok, and thatn your computer is fixed. 2 more days of the words of Horace "finish strong", adn I know you will. Athens Regional Cath Lab will be a better place for having had you in it. I hope to see you soon, I hate that our scehdules are going to work out soon...I love you and want you to know that I really appreciate the friend and sister I have in you!

  5. Glad Alan is OK - if all your songs have been downloaded to your iPod you can use a tool to move them back from your iPod to your computer - I used it when I got a new computer to move all my songs from my iPod back to my new computer worked great!


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