Sunday, June 8, 2008


this picture is gracing our desktop...

- Can't believe it's already Sunday night again.

- We drove past our prospective home yesterday and today.

- Alan's mom made some homemade strawberry ice cream with
some of the strawberries from the above picture. Yummy!

- It was 103 degrees this weekend in the middle GA area.

- Two more weeks of work...:).

- Craving salad. I'm gonna make a crunchy cabbage slaw tomorrow.

- And a broccoli salad.

- And maybe some fruit salad this week.

- Blackberries and blueberries should be ready for picking this week!

- Someone looked at our house today!

- If we buy the house we are looking at...
I want to get this door or one that is similar. Just the single door.
Not the side windows.

- Anxious to find out about baby Brown. Praying it was just a shadow.

- Saw baby Brown's nursery this weekend. So cute!

- Been looking at some moving announcements and an address stamp online. :)

- Thinking about Maggie and Mom...they are California bound.
They left Saturday morning.
So far they have made it to New Mexico.
Thanking God for keeping them safe.

- locked my keys in my car on Friday. Alan was out of town.
Thank goodness for Allstate Roadside Assistance.
I was in "good hands".
They met me and had my car unlocked in less than 20 minutes.
(Laura told me that's what I get for laughing at Lauren...and no I'm not pregnant.)

- thinking about God's love for us. how deep and wide it is.

- wishing I could stay up all night...and sleep all day.

- we're having a moving sale this weekend...I need to get on the ball!

- Laura is pregnant with #2!

- I got 4 hair-cuts last week. Don't ask. All I can say's really short.

- I need to go to bed. It's almost midnight. And tomorrow is Monday.

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