Thursday, June 26, 2008


that's me...

i get like this sometimes.

i don't even like my own-stinkin' self.

on the verge of tears.

or just about to go off.

for no stinkin' reason.

i'm sure alot of it is just stress with a little
bit of PMS mixed in.
(sorry TMI)

I just don't get it.

got a crown today...
on my tooth
same Mr. 14 that I have been dealin with
for months!
To top it all off...I have used all of my dental
insurance for the year.
So $950 later... he should be fixed.

Alan got a speeding ticket on the
way home yesterday.

We had some house-hunters come by today!
We haven't heard from our agent yet.

The moving truck lady, Julie, said we
are gonna need a big truck!
So thankful to have them move us!

Well, that's about all that is going on...

I'm off to go get over myself.

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