Friday, May 30, 2008

so happy to announce...


that we are

moving to Warner Robins!

Ok, I am going to start from the top so I can look back and remember each step of the way! (This will be long!)

Back in December, Alan submitted a resume through to an environmental engineering firm in WR. We never heard anything...
and never really thought much more about it.

Fast forward to April 17th, when Alan's new boss called
to ask if he was still interested in a job...
of course!

On April 21st, he went to an interview.
It was a very extensive interview.
An hour and a half and a panel of three interviewers.
They told him he would probably not hear from
them for a few weeks...not to worry. We were just waiting and praying!

Fast forward to April 29th, when Alan's new boss called to
offer him the job!!!
When Alan tells the story he says he had his "thank you
for the interview" speech ready to go.
He even told me "It's ok if I don't get it. It is a learning experience, right."

Isn't God so good!

So, back to April 17th...
I immediately check on the local hospitals in WR/Macon for
job postings...only to find...NONE in the cath lab (of course there were
night shift jobs on floors I didn't want to work on)!
I was very overwhelmed that night!
But then I remembered what the Lord says about worry, and
how he promises to take care of us.
I told Alan, I wasn't going to obsess over checking the
job postings daily... (and I didn't).

Fast forward to May 11th...
I got on the job postings list at the Medical Center...only to find...
a cath lab position working 4 10 hour shifts!

So on the afternoon of May 12th I applied.

On the afternoon of May 14th they called to schedule an interview!

On May 27th, I went to my interview.
And had my drug screen/background check done.
Alan also mailed his acceptance letter to his new job on this day!

On May 28th, they offered me the job.

On May 29th, I accepted the job.
We also put our house on the market!

Today, Alan and I turned in our three weeks notice.

On June 30th we start our new jobs!

Isn't God so good!

We are praying for a quick sale of our house so that we can purchase a new home!
I told our agent last night that we obviously don't need to worry
about anything. And shared with her our story. God has so paved the way for us.
We couldn't have planned any of this any better.

For once in my life I haven't really been stressed/worried/consumed
about this situation. Why?

Not because I am perfect.
Not because I have arrived.
Not because we deserve this.
Not because we are lucky.

But because I chose to trust God.
Because I allowed Him to work.

We are so EXCITED!
We are so ready for this change!
This whole process has been jaw-droppin', hand raisin', Jesus praisin'!

As I told one of my co-workers today...
I feel so content, so peaceful, and so at ease.
I was able to also testify about our Lord.
About his faithfulness, his will for us, and about trusting him in everything.

There is not a doubt in my mind that this isn't
what God wants for us and it feels so wonderful!

So that's my exciting news and my huge prayer request I mentioned
on my blog weeks ago!

It has been killing me to not
be able to post on here. We wanted to make sure we informed our
employers before I put it out there for everyone to see!

So thanks for praying for us!


  1. That's great Hollie! Did you know I work right around the block from MCG?

  2. yeah for you guys! I'll keep praying that everything will work out with selling the house & finding another one!

  3. ok, disregard my last comment...this is SO exciting!!! Congrats!!!!!
    Karen Kurinka


Thanks for taking the time to leave a fabulous comment! I read each and every one! Much love!