Friday, May 23, 2008

busy, busy, busy...

here's the latest...

we have been out of town the past 4 weekends.

we are home this weekend for call. Memorial Day is my holiday for the year. :(

working in the yard. Alan layed a pallet of sod in some bare spots we had. we got the hanging baskets finished. they look just like last years. and we put out 10 bales of pinestraw.

got to see some lovely girls last weekend at Shauna's baby shower! :)

feeling the need to clean everything out and up around the house. Spring fever?

Lauren is 20 weeks! She's halfway there... (still can't wait).

one of my other close friends is expecting...and she won't post on her blog about it!!!

celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary on Wednesday. We went to Farm 255 for dinner. (I have been wanting to go there since we moved here).

reading Firefly Lane. Not a Christian fiction book...but no doubt it's good!

totally neglecting my blog...

feeling so sad for Steven Curtis Chapman and his family. His youngest (five years old) daughter Maria was killed in an accident on Wednesday.

excited about all the things the rest of the year beholds...

And what's not to love about these two precious boys!
I love 'em so much!

1 comment:

  1. Anderson likes the music on your blog! When I opened it up, the music started and he looked up from his legos, smiled at me and started swaying back and forth to "dance." Precious moments!


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