Thursday, April 24, 2008

the boy and the Braves...

On Tuesday I went to Milledgeville to be with Lauren for her ultrasound.
She is currently 16 weeks. We knew it was a possibility that she would
find out the sex of the baby, but the possibility became a reality.
Let me just say that the ultrasound was probably one of the
coolest things I have ever seen.
It was mostly cool because it was Lauren, and baby Brown.

And wow, let me just praise the Lord for baby Brown's life.
I am so thankful that God has blessed my very best friend with a baby boy.
And wow, isn't it just amazing how God forms us in our mother's womb.
How can people not believe in God?

For example, Baby Brown's humerus is now 8 mm long.
Get a load of that craziness!
I was so excited to see a glimpse of Lauren and Chris' sweet little one.
I can't wait to welcome him into the world.
(I get to be in the delivery room as well!)
Lauren asked the sonographer if she could tell what it was
and she said "I think I saw "it'"!!!
Sure enough, with some maneuvering of the probe we saw his little boy parts.

And Lauren said "I knew it".

All this time I have been thinking it was a girl (most people have).
In fact, Lauren told me there were only three people who guessed she would have a boy.
She thought it was a girl too... until Tuesday afternoon when I got to her house.
I asked her if she was excited about maybe finding out.
And she said "Yeah, and it's a boy...It's a boy...I just know it".

And she was right.

I am so happy that I was able to be a part of such a special day! I really can't wait till he gets here. Only 24 more weeks!


Alan and I went to the Braves game on Wednesday night!
They ended up losing, but it was still fun!

And I have a prayer request that I really can't give any details about.
So if you could...pray...God knows.
It's big!

Well, we are off to Tennesee for the weekend!
So ready for a little vacation.
Shopping, hiking, eating, putt-putting, and go-carting!

Have a great weekend!
Gotta go finish packing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl-
    Just read your blog and it was preious. I am also SO excited that you got to be there and are going to be there for the "welcoming" in about 4.5 months...holy cow its flying by. Its been great, and I hope when its your turn I am just as excited and supportive as you are. I love you dearly and don't tel you often enough. See you soon.
    Love, Loody


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