Wednesday, February 20, 2008

dinner is in the oven...

ham, spinach, and mushroom quiche.
I changed the recipe I had for broccoli quiche to make this one.
It looks yummy so far!

Tomorrow is Terri's (my friend from work) birthday!
I have some cute little surprises up my sleeve for her!
I've got to put the finishing touches on everything,
but I can't wait to give it to her!

We will be off to the gym in a little bit!
I started reading a Beth Moore book called
Breaking Free last night at the gym. So far, so good!

I can't wait to watch American Idol tonight.
I totally think the young David is going to make it far, and so
is the Australian dude from Atlanta.
Love having Tivo so we can fast forward through all
the commercials. They are ridiculous on AI!

Tomorrow we are meeting with our financial advisor and
friend, Todd. I always look forward to visiting with him.

And Friday is a day I have been looking forward to for
days...Lauren and I have a date in Madison!
I can't wait to see her and talk about all things baby!

My tooth is fine today. A little sore. I was told today
I would need to come back to the dentist after the root
canal is finished for a cap! Are you people kidding me?
And I don't think this will ever end!

And to leave you on a happy note, and because I don't like
posting without pictures...
Here is a picture of a vase that my sister gave me
before she left on Saturday.
She said it was a hostess gift! How sweet!
And isn't it adorable!
I love that it is white and you can change out the
ribbon. I think I know where I can find some ribbon.
Now I need some flowers...


  1. You go girl, with your rapid fire blogging. You are impressive! You are one of my daily stops online!

  2. That ribbon looks so cute in your new vase. Paige


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