Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Saw these two precious sets of people weekend before last.
Above is my Paw-Paw Williams and Palmer his wife.
We went to visit with them on Sunday afternoon.
Below are Taylor and Cade, my nephews.
We took them to the Braves game on Saturday the 14th.

My Paw-Paw is just an amazing Christian man.
So loving, caring, gracious, and a prayer warrior!
Has been since I can remember.
Momma says that when I was less than a year old riding in
my car seat, I would bounce up and down when I figured out we
were going over to my Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Williams house.
They used to live on a big farm. Complete with cows, chickens, ducks, a huge
watermelon patch, tractors, a couple of ponds, and a big vegetable garden.
Me and my sister Paige would ride on the tractor with Paw-Paw all
afternoon. We would go up the ladders and get the eggs the chickens
had laid. We would play on the big round hay bales in the
barn too. I was telling Paw-Paw the other day that I remember going
out there and picking potatoes up out of the field.
He told me it was easier for us to get them because it wasn't as far for us
to bend over. We just thought it was a game to see who could pick up the most.
I am just so thankful for them.
Thankful for who they are.
Thankful for the examples they are to Alan and I.

I can't imagine loving two kids more than I love Taylor and Cade.
When I hear their little voices on the phone my heart just
smiles. They always want Alan and I to come over, to spend the night,
to go swimming, or watch them play ball. Sometimes
the distance thing is hard to explain. They are so loving as well.
Always want to tell you they love you, always giving hugs, or wanting you
to sit by them or lay down by them. I asked Taylor the other night
if he was happy he was at the Braves game, he said "Yes, thanks for letting
me come". He is so sweet. Cade just cracks us up.
As you can see from the picture below he just lost his first tooth.
So, we see this homeless man downtown Atlanta who happens
to be missing his front tooth. From the backseat Cade says "I think
he lost a tooth too." As if the man had lost his the day before and had
layed it under his pillow for the tooth fairy! :)

I am just so, so thankful for the blessing of these people in my life.
It's hard to believe they are nine and six!

Went to dinner tonight with our past Sunday school teacher,
mentor, friend, and financial advisor, Todd.
It is always great to see him. He always encourages us spiritually and
financially as well. Lets us know what is going on at our home church
in Milledgeville. Alot of people tell us we don't need a financial advisor to save
money, but I sure appreciate the accountabilty and expertise.
Lauren and Chris also joined us for dinner.
It is always great to see my bff too.

Trying to get back into my routine with walking.
In college I was walking 3-5 miles 4-5 days a week, so I want
to try and build back up to that. Also trying to watch
what I eat better. I really need to lose some of this
pound-age I have found since we got married!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I want to pinch their cheeks! (all four of them!)


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