Thursday, June 28, 2007


I am updating my blog. Some of you have been asking me to update it so here goes.

Well, let's see. Over the past couple of weeks Alan and I had a nasty stomach virus that put us both out of commission. I was sick the second week in June. And Alan got sick the next week. I am glad that is over...It stinks to be that sick! Something funny that happened though...
One night I was throwing up, Alan came in the bathroom and asked me if I felt bad. It was so funny. I guess he didn't know what else to say. That is the first time in two years either one of us have been so sick.

When I came home from work on June 18th there was a surprise sitting on the kitchen counter for me. It was a brand new sewing machine!!! Alan went out and got it for me, and didn't even tell me he was going to. I have been wanting one for quite sometime. So of course I am thrilled to death to have one.
This past Saturday morning I got up before 8:00, so that I could spend some time getting it threaded etc. I got all that fun stuff out of the way and even sewed these two little burp cloths. And before anyone asks, No we do not have anything to share with anyone. They are just easy practice for straight stitching. I thought they turned out pretty cute for my first try! I have some little boy fabric too. I just haven't sat down to make any more of these cuties. Our garden is thriving despite not having much rain! We have picked probably close to 40 zucchini, and two big bowls of green beans. Alan has picked a handful of peppers too, but I don't get to excited about peppers. Our sunflowers are blooming, but the Japanese beetles seem to be feasting on them. :( Alan has quite the green thumb, doesn't he! We should have some ripe tomatoes over the next week or so!

This past weekend we went to Ft. Valley. We went out to Lane Packing Company
for some peach ice cream on Sunday afternoon. That is always a highlight of going to Peach County to visit Alan's family.

My mother in law has a cyst on her ovary that measures about 9cm. Praise the Lord it isn't cancerous. She will have surgery to remove it sometime in the near future. If you could lift her up in your prayers if you get the chance.

The past couple of months have been really hard for Alan and I. I don't want to go into too many details, but I can tell you our faith has been tested. And honestly there have been some days I have often wondered if the Lord truly loves me. I know that he does, and I also know that it is a full, complete, and unconditional love for us.

I am excited to find out if our friends Ken and Libby are going to have a little boy or girl! They have an appointment on Friday!

Hope everyone is doing well! Leave me a comment!


  1. Hi Hollie!
    What a creative blog! Lauren showed it to me yesterday! I am in the process of starting a blog, but cannot quite get my pictures right! Sounds like you and Allen are doing well. We miss you!
    Stephanie W.

  2. so what are libby and ken having??


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