Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blood and flowers

So I gave blood yesterday. Double reds at that.
That means two units of red blood cells.
They gave me the plasma back. But needless to say. I am tired and woozy.
I have been laying on the couch since 3:15 when I got home from work. I think I might try to give one pint from now on.

These are the flowers that are on my front porch.
They are thriving and I am so glad.
They look so "our house".
We put out some new pinestraw last night around all of our bushes.
The yard is looking good.

I need to share details of our anniversary...Well we slept in (so nice). Then we got up and went to the Georgia Aquarium. We had a great time. I am so amazed that God made all those sea creatures. Then we went to Ikea. We were looking for a scrapbook table/desk for me. Then we went to Archivers at the Mall of Georgia. We ate dinner at P.F. Changs China Bistro. We had a great day. So much fun to take off work and spend the day together.

About the scrapbook table/desk. We didn't find one at Ikea. We haven't found one anywhere around Athens either. But yesterday a guy Alan works with tells him that he has a desk I might like. It was built in, but the guy recently ripped it out. It has three drawers for storage. It has a hutch (yippee). The hutch has three adjustable shelves. All it needs is a little TLC and it will be perfect!!! I am so excited. Alan is working on it in the garage right now. He just asked me if I wanted a before and after picture. But of course babe! So we are going to sand it down this weekend, and paint it. I will share pictures when it is complete.

Well I'm off. American Idol finishes tonight! I like both Jordin and Blake, but I think Jordin is gonna win!

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