Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hump day...

and so glad that it is. Ready for the weekend. We will be traveling to see Alan's family this weekend. Hopefully looking at some more furniture down there.

Got my hair chopped off yesterday. About 6 inches off. I am gonna go back on Friday and get some more layers added. I will just feel better then.

Just thankful for my health today. Something that I so take for granted, but was reminded of today. I took care of another 25 year old today who has already had 2 heart attacks. I guess at 25 we aren't immune to heart disease. Also at church tonight, someone told of a girl that just found out she has a brain tumor. She is only 22, and hasn't even graduated college yet. So thankful that God has allowed Alan and I to stay healthy.

I am planning a card/scrapbooking party for some of the girls at church. Bought stuff yesterday to make invites. Excited to share one of my favorite things to do with these girls. I will share the invites here when I get them done. :) I don't even have a date picked yet, so it may be a few days.

Also wanting and needing to have a yard sale soon so we can get rid of some junk. The weather is warming up, so it won't be long.

Well, I guess that's all for today. Leave me a comment.

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