Sunday, February 18, 2007


from Alabama. Got away for the weekend to Mom and Dad's. It's always nice to get away. Especially after a crummy week at work.

Last week was a "go into my shell" week. Something that is totally not me. Sometimes it is so hard to work around non-Christians. The negativity is like a a haze, just clouding up my view on life. In general the people I work with are just un-happy, searching-for-something, negative people. When you spend fourty plus hours with them it is so easy to be discouraged.

I just don't fit.

I am not comfortable there.

I am alone, except for Christ.

Yet we are called to NOT fit and we are called to be UN-comfortable.

To be in the world, but not of the world. To be set apart. To be the salt. To be the light. TO BE DIFFERENT.

This world is not our home!

I say all that to say this...

God places us where He wants us, for His glory.

I know I am where I am for a reason.

I know that He will never leave me, or forsake me.

And I gotta rest in the fact that one day I will be with Him in my eternal home...

1 comment:

  1. Hollie--this reminds me of something you told me can people see the Light if we as Christians never go into the dark?

    Perservere...I'm praying for you!


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